22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025

Ästhetik der Grenze/Grenzen der Ästhetik [Aesthetics of the Border/Borders of Aesthetics]

The rhetoric of the avant-garde often entails the appeal: Transgress borders! Overcome traditions and academic conventions! Anti-authoritarian transgressions in life and art have the power to change politics according to the avant-garde. A modern politics thus does not only entail the changing of state and property laws but also a new aesthetic stance. Conservatives, however, have always counted on the drawing of borders; only through them do we reach a successful aesthetic form. Which role do (aesthetic) borders play today in the age of Western pop-liberality and museum avant-garde art? How does art reflect subjects of flight and migration? How do artists influence the political discourse? *Discussion Panel:* * *Elena Beregow*, sociologist Universität Hamburg * *Sonja Eismann*, cultural scholar and co-founder/editor „Missy Magazine“ * *Cesy Leonard*, head of planning staff and the film department Zentrum für Politische Schönheit * *and others* *Host:* *Prof. Dr. Thomas Hecken*, Professor for Modern German Literature at Universität Siegen and editor of the magazine „Pop. Kultur und Kritik“as well as the website www.pop-zeitschrift.de.

2 April 2016

19:00 h, Festivalzentrum

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest
