Augmented Lichter
An augmented reality cinema project by freitagsküche and Maiken Laackmann featuring works by filmmaker Gunter Deller, May 10-15, 2022.
Public Walk on Sunday, May 15, 6 p.m. with filmmaker Gunter Deller and the freitagsküche.
Meeting point: in front of the CANTATE-SAAL, Großer Hirschgraben 21, 60311 Frankfurt.
For six years now, the LICHTER Filmfest has been presenting VR cinema: films that do not fit on any conventional screen, no matter how large. Although our hearts still beat for the classic cinema in the dark room, the moving images have long since left their birthplace and traveled via Brown's apparatus first to our homes and then via smartphone and Internet everywhere. Augmented Reality, AR, is therefore only the logical next step - images that overlap with our actual reality and are about to leave the frame of the screen altogether. One step to accompany and depict this process is the AR Freiluft Expo - AUGMENTED LICHTER - which the LICHTER Filmfest organizes together with the freitagsküche and the Frankfurt experimental filmmaker Gunter Deller during and after the LICHTER Filmfest.
In augmented reality installations distributed at five locations in the inner city area, short films by Deller are presented in which urban observations are spontaneously and intuitively assembled into short diary-like cinematic poems. Originally conceived for Instagram, these flickering short films have since found use on festival screens and in online galleries. For the Lichter presentation, they are grouped into one-minute cycles each. The following quote by Walter Benjamin captures the intention of Deller's cinematic approach to urban space: "Our pubs and big city streets, our offices and furnished rooms, our train stations and factories seemed hopelessly enclosed. Then film came along and blew up this dungeon world with the dynamite of tenths of a second, so that we now travel serenely adventurous among its far-flung wreckage."
For AUGMENTED LICHTER, the potential of augmented reality is now to be used in the sense of an "expanded" and "enriched" cinematic perception of reality, in order to embark on the journey evoked by Benjamin between Deller's precise cinematic micro-observations of urban life, the urban space, and the festival visitors and residents of Frankfurt by means of AR.
AUGMENTED LIGHTER is part of the long-term research project AUGMENTED BAHNHOFSVIERTEL by freitagsküche and Maiken Laackmann and developer Tobias Still on questions of digital public space, which explores the non-commercial possibilities of augmented reality in urban space.
15 May 2022
18:00 h,
More information
Digital Exhibition Spaces in the Public Sphere:
Cantate-Saal. Großer Hirschgraben 21
Paulskirche, Paulsplatz 11
Filmmuseum, Schaumainkai 41
Anlagenring, Schäfergasse 29
All you need is a smartphone and a bit of wanderlust - we have placed small plaques at the above-mentioned locations in the city center with QR codes which you have to scan with your device. Using the camera function of your smartphone, you can now scan the area around the plaque until you see a cube-shaped object - the AR cinema room: Your smartphone works sort of like a pair of magic glasses with which you can see the augmented reality presentation, which remains invisible to the bare eye. Simply enter the digital AR cinema room through the entrance.
VR Storytelling