22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025


Jöns Jönsson

The eloquent museum attendant Julius is popular with everyone. When he invites his colleagues to a sailing trip on his aristocratic family’s boat, an exciting getaway seems in store. But things turn out differently: shortly before the trip begins, Julius suffers an epileptic seizure and ends up in the hospital. His mother shows concern, but less for his health than for the absurd family history. Is it a mere misunderstanding, as Julius claims? Then, his new girlfriend Marie raves to her parents about Julius’s job and the web of lies seems to come unravelled.

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Direction Jöns Jönsson
Country Germany
Year 2022
Duration 112 min
Language Original language
Production Christian Springer, Letizia Lange / Bon Voyage Films
Cast Moritz von Treuenfels, Zejhun Demirov, Ricarda Seifried, Thomas Schubert, Ines Marie Westernströer
Camera Johannes Louis
Script Jöns Jönsson
Editing Stefan Oliveira-Pita

Berlinale 2022 - Competition film

Presented by:

About the director

Jöns Jönssen’s second feature film Axiom depicts the life of a man who can’t help but appropriate the lives of others, for whom lying is a kin to a compulsive disorder. Moritz von Treuenfels embodies this with remarkable casualness. 

Jönssen, who studied at the Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen Potsdam-Babelsberg, has painted a tragic character study with a strong script and a great degree of sensitivity.

Axiom celebrated its world premiere at the Berlinale in the Encounters competition and was shortlisted for the Deutscher Filmpreis.

Press Reviews

„The character portrait Axiom about a virtuoso liar is one of the strongest German entries at the Berlinale 2022“ (Michael Müller, Blickpunkt:Film)

Hessian premiere

Future German Cinema
