22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025
LFFI19_regionales Langfilmprogramm_Der König von Augsburg_1

Der König von Augsburg // Short Film: Telefon-Trottoir

Erik Hartmann

In the presence of the director Erik Hartmann.

Freed from the contraints of wagework, Gerhard Hermanutz alias der König von Augsburg (the King of Augsburg) roams through the alleys of his adopted home. While doing so, he is constantly in search of human contact and something to enhance his knowledge. Residents have known him in his famous role for 23 years, but who is the man behind the self-made crown and the peculiar sweaters? Equipped with a diploma in advertising, Gerhard Hermanutz decides early in the 90's to quit work. Without money or even a roof over his head, he wanders clockwise through Germany. Finally, Gerhard ends up at his mother's in Augsburg, decides to take on the honourable kingship and dedicates himself entirely to his city.

Director Erik Hartmann paints the dignified portrait of a libertine, who abdicates material things while creating the world as he likes it.



Directors: Malte Rauch, Esther Zeschky

D 2017

Length: 13 Min.

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Direction Erik Hartmann
Year D 2018
Duration 44 min
Language original language with english subtitles
Cast Tom Putsch (Sprecher)
Music Daniel Layer und Alexander Möckl

Presented by:
