22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025

Digital Dissidents

Cyril Tuschi

Constant accessibility and an incessant stream of information are part of our digital age. That a constant visibility and disclosure of information goes hand in hand only becomes apparent to us when phone bugging scandals come to light and once again images on the news of Angela Merkel on her cell phone painfully remind us of our own impotence. *_Digitale Dissidenten_*, the new film of Frankfurt-born director *Cyril Tuschi*, tells the incredible stories behind the men and women who we have to thank for making scandals like this public. The documentary portraits six former individuals entrusted with confidential information from economy, administrations and politics who revealed their knowledge to the public, so-called whistleblowers. They disclosed information important for the public and are perceived as guardians of privacy in the digital age and occasionally celebrated as heroes. More exciting than many fictional espionage thrillers, the movie elaborates on the question of the reasons for the digital dissidents to give up on their freedom, family and career, what they want to warn about and emphatically shows the severe repercussions on their life after the revelations. *_Digitale Dissidenten_* has already delighted the audience at the *Raindance Film Festival*, *Montreal World Film Festival* and *São Paulo International Film Festival*. Director *Cyril Tuschi* was born in 1969 in Frankfurt and also studied philosophy here. Already his short film debut Frankfurt am Meer scored him invitations to several festival in Germany. He studied Production at the film academy Baden-Württemberg and his feature film debut *_SommerHundeSöhne_* received the *audience award at the Festival des deutschen Films* in Ludwigshafen on the Rhine. At the *27th international Dokumentarfilmfestival* in Munich, his documentary *_Khodorkovsky_* received the *international Dokumentarfilmpreis 2011*.

31 March 2016

22:00 h, Mal Seh'n Kino

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Direction Cyril Tuschi
Year D 2015
Duration 90 min
Language German OV
Cast Thomas Drake, William Binney, Daniel Ellsberg, Julian Assange, Julian Nida-Rümelin, Bernd Fix, u.a.
Camera Peter Dörfler
Script Cyril Tuschi, Georg Tschurtschenthaler
Editing Annette Muff
