22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025

El abrazo de la serpiente (Embrace of the Serpent)

Ciro Guerra

*_El abrazo de la serpiente_* tells the story of two adventures in one: In 1909, the German ethnologist *Theodor Koch-Grünberg* is traveling on the Amazon. Almost thirty years later, his travel journal prompts American Richard Evan Schultes to also leave for the South-American jungle. They are united by their search for Yakruna, a rare and mythical medicinal plant. In order to find it, the explorers seek help from a shaman called Karamakate. Karamakate, however, reacts to Theo with overt rejection. He sees him as a conqueror who destroyed his world. Yet, the aged Karamakate eagerly accompanies the American on his quest. For him, the expedition is a chance to find the last specimen of the medicinal plant and with it a piece of his lost identity. Winner of an award in *Cannes* and *nominated for an Oscar*, the black and white film is a homage to the exalted beauty of the Amazon and reminds of the tragedy of colonialism. *Music:* Nascuy Linare,

_"What makes Embrace of the Serpent so special is [...] the magical pull that not only gives the audience insight into the Amazon but downright moves them there."_ (Martin Gobbin, critic.de)

2 April 2016

22:00 h, Mal Seh'n Kino

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Direction Ciro Guerra
Year COL, VEN, AR 2015
Duration 125 min
Language Cubeo/Ocaina/Huitoto/Tikuna/Guanano/Span./Port./Ger./Catal. subbed
Production Cristina Gallego
Cast Jan Bijvoet, Brionne Davis, Ta’fuiyama (Antonio Bolívar Salvador), Nilbio Torres, Yauenkü Migue (Miguel Dionisio Ramos)
Camera David Gallego
Script Ciro Guerra, Jacques Toulemonde Vidal
Editing Etienne Boussac

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