El abrazo de la serpiente (Embrace of the Serpent)
Ciro Guerra
*_El abrazo de la serpiente_* tells the story of two adventures in one: In 1909, the German ethnologist *Theodor Koch-Grünberg* is traveling on the Amazon. Almost thirty years later, his travel journal prompts American Richard Evan Schultes to also leave for the South-American jungle. They are united by their search for Yakruna, a rare and mythical medicinal plant. In order to find it, the explorers seek help from a shaman called Karamakate. Karamakate, however, reacts to Theo with overt rejection. He sees him as a conqueror who destroyed his world. Yet, the aged Karamakate eagerly accompanies the American on his quest. For him, the expedition is a chance to find the last specimen of the medicinal plant and with it a piece of his lost identity.
Winner of an award in *Cannes* and *nominated for an Oscar*, the black and white film is a homage to the exalted beauty of the Amazon and reminds of the tragedy of colonialism.
*Music:* Nascuy Linare,
_"What makes Embrace of the Serpent so special is [...] the magical pull that not only gives the audience insight into the Amazon but downright moves them there."_ (Martin Gobbin, critic.de)
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2 April 2016
22:00 h, Mal Seh'n Kino
More information
Direction | Ciro Guerra |
Year | COL, VEN, AR 2015 |
Duration | 125 min |
Language | Cubeo/Ocaina/Huitoto/Tikuna/Guanano/Span./Port./Ger./Catal. subbed |
Production | Cristina Gallego |
Cast | Jan Bijvoet, Brionne Davis, Ta’fuiyama (Antonio Bolívar Salvador), Nilbio Torres, Yauenkü Migue (Miguel Dionisio Ramos) |
Camera | David Gallego |
Script | Ciro Guerra, Jacques Toulemonde Vidal |
Editing | Etienne Boussac |
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