22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025

Europa: Aussen.Grenzen.Innen. [Europe: Outside.Borders.Inside]

Until recently, borders have been a thing of the past for most Europeans. Turnpikes on the way to France or Italy were experiences from another century. Global economy, Erasmus scholarships, budget airlines and currency union have long replaced memories of blocking, Iron Curtain and Cold War. Since more and more people flee from war and misery to Europe, however, the picture has changed. Many Europeans only now realize again that peace, wealth and freedom to travel cannot be taken for granted. In the middle of European society, the refugees give a face to the dramas happening in their countries of origin, on Europe’s external and now also internal borders. Their presence confronts Europeans with questions: How are the much celebrated European values holding up? Does Europe have to divide its wealth more or can it further count on isolation? What responsibility does Europe bear for the conflicts in the Arabic world and elsewhere? How can Europeans collectively contribute to peaceful solutions and seize the opportunities of pluralistic societies? *Discussion Panel:* * *Ralph Bollmann*, Historian, journalist and editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung * *Prof. Dr. Nicole Deitelhoff*, professor for international relations and theories of global orders / Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders” * *Karl Kopp*, European representative of Pro Asyl * *Dr. Mark Terkessidis*, migration researcher, journalist, publicist e.g. Interkultur (2010) and recently Kollaboration (2015) * *and others* *Moderation*: *Dr. Eberhard Nembach*, journalist and editor of hr-info

30 March 2016

19:00 h, Festivalzentrum

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Year 2016
Language German

Presented by:

Moderated opening talk