22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025

Europe Before the Elections


Europe calling! The regulation of the major digital platforms, the basis for dealing with multinational streaming services, the key points for trading rights in the EU's large internal market: all of this is being decided in Brussels. The regulations being developed there also affect the cinema film, whose foundations are affected by these course-setting measures in many ways. Nevertheless, the deliberations at EU level - in which the Commission, Council and Parliament are involved in seemingly complicated procedures - are often less present to those affected than those at federal or state level. We are taking the elections to the European Parliament on the 9th of June as an opportunity to look at the upcoming decisions and also to discuss ways of exerting influence.

With: Bill Anderson, Juliette Prissard

Moderation: Michael Hack

17 April 2024

15:30 h, Festivalzentrum (Plenum)

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Duration 60 min

Panel in English with live translation to German

Congress Future German Cinema
