22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025


Jochen Döring, Tim Karasch, Daniel Siebert, Oli Rasch

"FRANKFURTER KLASSE - a group of road-focussed philosophers and outsiders from various disciplines and environments that are fundamentally tied to the theories of Polt, Dudenhöfer, Knebel and Nachtsheim, Laurel and Hardy and von Bülow," so far the self-definition. Behind this are the two Frankfurters Jochen Döring and Tim Karasch. In their for three years consistently sold-out stage show at the "Schmiere," they embody an entire ensemble of bizarre characters. Above all Zeyneb Tilki, "pubescent child of Turkish immigrants," who now regularly breaks the hundred thousand hits mark with her Youtube videos. It's time to erect a monument honouring the comedian duo and their enterprising work now - with a full-length programme of their best video clips. Including one or the other surprise… _In the presence of Zeyneb Tilki, Rainer Hackbusch, Mario Pfaff, Nabil Masaad, and many more_ *FOR TICKET PRESALE, CLICK HERE* :http://www.adticket.de/Lichter-Filmfestival-Shop.html?id=1432&format=raw&view=host&searchname=frankfurter+klasse&searchlocation=&start_date=28.03.2014&end_date=

29 March 2014

06:00 h,

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Direction Jochen Döring, Tim Karasch, Daniel Siebert, Oli Rasch
Country Germany
Year D 2011-2014
Duration 90 min
Language German Version
Production Jochen Döring, Tim Karasch, Daniel Siebert, Oli Rasch

Presented by:
