22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025

GrenzParcours: Walk the Line!

*March 29 until April 3 // Tue from 6:30 pm // Wed-Fri from 4:00 pm // Sat+Sun from 2:30pm* Some borders are visible to the naked eye. Others only become tangible through stories, conversations or pictures. The GrenzParcours, an exhibition tour through the festival center, shows artistic works of political and spatial drawings of lines, of societal demarcation and individual isolation. They reflect migration and flight, surveillance, infinity and gender. Selected photographs, maps, video projections and computer games invite visitors at different stations to linger, look or play. h2. PRZEMEK WEGRZYN // SECURITY MEASURES (2014) _Duration: 5:55 min._ For his single-channel work, the video artist Przemek Wegrzyn has filmed polish border posts, where uneventfulness strongly contrasts with alert messages of American security agencies addressed to their citizens in Poland, referring to the same locations. h2. ROTRAUT PAPE // „DIE MAUER – DER VERTIKALE HORIZONT 1989-2014“ (2015) [the wall – the vertical horizon 1989-2014] _Duration: 131 min._ _“Like a negative horizon, the Wall and everything it stood for stretched all across my life, which has begun five years before the Building of the Wall. As early as one week after the Fall of the Wall on November 9, 1989, its speedy disappearance was foreseeable. Therefore, on November 17, 1989, once more I walked along the Wall with my camera. […] During a quarter of a century – when Christo and Jeanne-Claude veiled the Reichstag, during the first Loveparade at the Brandenburg Gate, during the anniversary of the German reunification - I set off along that trace, which the Wall had caused all across Berlin’s inner city.”_ (Rotraut Pape, 2015) In a long-term observation of the German-German reunification, Rotraut Pape’s *_“Die Mauer – der vertikale Horizont 1989-2014”_* erects a filmic memorial in honor of 25 years of growing together. h2. “GRENZE” [Frontier] // EINE ANNÄHERUNG [An Approach] Furthermore, we have asked friends of the festival to contribute images illustrating their ideas of the concept “frontier.” Ranging from architecture detail to photojournalism, these images show individual spectra of the frontier like this photograph of a Jewish housing complex in Jerusalem’s historic district (2015). Often erected on old Arabic houses, here, architecture presents frontiers as horizontal dividing lines. *The exhibition will also present works of Barbara Klemm, Lisa Diandra Krüger, "goldextra":http://www.frontiers-game.com, Theories of the Deep Understanding of Things and "Project Shelter":https://www.facebook.com/welcomethemovie/videos/475829652621607/?pnref=story.*

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Year 2016
