22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025
LFFI18_internationales Programm Chaos_How to film nothing_auswahlbild klein

How to Film Nothing

Boris Mitić

An inspiring overview on the creative and technical production-related challenges that the development of In Praise of Nothing (International Programme CHAOS) brought about.

Starting as a global project in the bankrupt Serbia, the film is a rhetoric provocation of an autodidact filmmaker as well as a creative process running over 8 years in which 20.000 pages of eclectic bibliography were distilled into childlike verse – to the surprise of the author, narrated by Iggy Pop and musically supported by the cabaret-grandmasters of the Tiger Lillies, furnished with “documentary material of Nothing” filmed in 70 countries by 62 filmmakers – stars and novices alike that at first had free reign, but soon received precise instructions from the director, discussed together in a unique, tailored anonymous online-brainstorming platform. 

To this end we are serving “Nothing’s favorite homemade schnapps”. Don’t miss it!

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Direction Boris Mitić
Year 2018
Language German

A lecture by Boris Mitić