Im Sommer wohnt er unten
Tom Sommerlatte
There are films that are best described as an experimental set-up in a science class. *_Im Sommer wohnt er unten_*, *Tom Sommerlatte’s* full-length feature film debut, is such an experiment. The set-up here can be described as follows: A summer house with a pool in France (test tube), and in addition to that two brothers who couldn’t be any more different from each other (Cola and Mentos). Shake and watch what happens!
The two brothers in question are Matthias and David. Matthias, the chronical but lovable loser type, lives in his parents’ holiday home together with his girlfriend Camille and her son. A bit of swimming, drinking wine, and smoking weed - a laid back existence. That changes when David, the stressed careerist type, and his wife Lena turn up at the doorstep.
Unlike many culture clash comedies, *_Im Sommer wohnt er unten_*, *co-financed by the Hessische Filmförderung*, is a subtly observed character study revealing the power structures within a family with much wit and charm. A fabulous ensemble film!
With *_Im Sommer wohnt er unten_*, director *Tom Sommerlatte* presents an impressive full-length feature film debut, which has already collected awards at several festivals and opened the *section Perspektive Deutsches Kino* at the *65th Berlinale*. Already, Sommerlatte has drawn attention to himself at several festivals with his short film comedy *_Auf den Hund_* gekommen. In 2015, *Variety* named him one of *“10 Europeans To Watch”*.
Protagonist Karin Hanczewski is also starring in "*_Lotte_*": She is known as the new *_Tatort_* -commissar in Dresden.
_“The funniest drama in a long time; one of the humanly smartest German comedies ever.”_ (
_“The kind of humor tasting of champagne, not of carbonated lemonade.”_ (Cicero)
_“Excellently performing actors.“_ (Südwest)
_“Well placed punchlines ensure that this age-old parlor game for adults turns out refreshingly entertaining.”_ (
*In the presence of producer Iris Sommerlatte, actor Sebastian Fräsdorf and actress Karin Hanczewski*
"Buy Ticket Now >>":
30 March 2016
20:00 h, Kino des DFF
More information
Direction | Tom Sommerlatte |
Year | D 2015 |
Duration | 100 min |
Language | German OV |
Production | Iris Sommerlatte |
Cast | Sebastian Fräsdorf, Alice Pehlivanyan, Godehard Giese, Karin Hanczewski and others |
Camera | Willi Böhm |
Script | Tom Sommerlatte |
Editing | Anna Kappelmann |
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