22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025

Meine Mütter - Spurensuche in Riga

Rosa von Praunheim

"I will not die with a lie:" Gertrud Mischwitzky is 94 years old when she reveals to her son Holger, that he is not her biological son. They found him in a children's home in Riga, she says. Nothing more. Filmmaker Rosa von Praunheim, whose real name is Holger Mischwitzky, is torn. He had a happy childhood, a loving home, but there is also the uncertainty and curiosity. Three years later, after Gertrude's death, he travels to Latvia to uncover the secret of his origins. Encounters with eyewitnesses, coincidences and a bit of luck eventually bring him closer to his goal and his biological family. The personal quest turns into a journey into the collective German-Latvian past. Rosa von Praunheim’s story is captivating, although, or perhaps because, the distance is preserved in the right places. *SOUND:* Manja Ebert, Martin Brinins, *RESEARCH:* Markus Tiarks, Agnese Luse, *MUSIC:* Andreas Wolter _In the Presence of Rosa von Praunheim_

*Tickets via* "Mal Seh´n Kino":http://www.malsehnkino.de/index.php?section=contact

27 March 2014

06:00 h, Mal Seh'n Kino

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Direction Rosa von Praunheim
Country Germany
Year D 2007
Duration 87 min
Language German Version
Production Rosa von Praunheim
Camera Elfi Mikesch, Thomas Ladenburger, Markus Tiarks
Script Rosa von Praunheim
Editing Mike Shephard
