22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025

Ping Pong

_A programme by Gunter Deller, Karola Gramann and Heide Schlüpmann_ *MICKEY MOUSE IN VIETNAM* _(USA 1969) b/w, silent, 16 mm, Duration: 01:00 min_ *DIRECTOR: WHITNEY LEE UND MILTON GLASER (ZEICHNER)* „Join the army and see the world.” A classic underground film. Copy from the archives of the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen.

*L’AXE DU MAL* _(CDN/F 2004) colour, sound, digital, Duration: 06:00 min_ *DIRECTOR: PASCAL LIÈVE * Digital comment on George W. Bushs „War against Terror“. After the song „When the rain begins to fall“ by Jermaine Jackson and Pia Zadora.

*ES HAT MICH SEHR GEFREUT* _(A 1987) s/w, Magnetton, 16 mm, Duration: 02:00 min_ *DIRECTOR: MARA MATTUSCHKA* And the old emperor said: “Thank you, it was lovely, it made me very happy!”

*OH DEM WATERMELONS* _(USA 1965) colour, sound, 16 mm, Duration: 11:00 min_ *DIRECTOR: ROBERT NELSON* A 11-minute explosion and parody, which turned into a small socio-political phenomenon of the 60s: prohibited in Japan and Australia and seized in Colorado. Copy from the archives of the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen.

*LITTLE TICH* _(GB 1906/07) s/w, stumm, 16 mm (von 35 mm), Musik zugespielt, Duration: 06:41 min_ *PRODUCTION: PATHÉ FRÈRES QUEERE* Antics of the then famous English comedian.

*SUPER 8 GIRL GAMES* _(A 1985) colour, sound, Super 8 (screening on DVD), Duration: 02:00 min_ *DIRECTOR: ANGELA HANS SCHEIRL UND URSULA PÜRRER* Scheirl/Pürrer present artistic high-calibre performances.

*ZWISCHEN VIER UND SECHS* _(D 1997/98) colour, sound, 35 mm (von 16), Duration: 06:00 min_ *DIRECTOR: CORINNA SCHNITT* “It is just great, when something exists that unites a family – and I am simply happy that this happened for us just by itself.” (C.S.)

*AMPELSITZEN* _(D 2007) Digital, Duration: 01:00 min_ *DIRECTOR: MICHEL KLÖFKORN* Sport, protest or expression of a passion?

*MAN MUSS SICH NUR EINEN STOSS GEBEN- 8 VARIATIONEN UM EIN KABEL* _(D 1981) colour, no sound, Super 8 (screening on DVD), Duration: 01:30 min_ *DIRECTOR: ULI SAPPOCK (ANARCHISTISCHE GUMMIZELLE* The film with two titles is a) an experimental animated film and b) a documentary. The first title indicates the content of a), the second title is what I feel when I see the movie. (U.S., catalogue experimental film workshop Osnabrück 1992)

*DER SONNTAGSSPAZIERGANG* _(D 1982) Farbe, ohne Ton, 16 mm (Blow up von S 8), Duration: 02:30 min_ *DIRECTOR: BERTRAM JESDINSKY (ANARCHISTISCHE GUMMIZELLE)* If the sun shines on Sundays, no one can stay at home for long. My family too has to go on a little excursion then. If the summer had not been so short, the movie would certainly have been longer. (B.J.)

*WENN DER EISBERG KALBT* _(D 2002) Farbe, Ton, Beta SP, Duration: 07:00 min_ *DIRECTOR: GREGOR MARIA SCHUBERT, SYLVIE HOHLBAUM* Manfred Binder is regarded as the Leonardo da Vinci of Rüsselsheim. This film shows how he responds to the ecological threat.

*CENTRIFUGE BRAIN PROJECT* _(D 2011) colour, sound, DCP, Duration: 06:35 min_ *DIRECTOR: TILL NOWAK*

28 March 2014

06:00 h, Mal Seh'n Kino

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Year 1906-2007
Language various languages

Avantgarde Reel