22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025


In a two-day workshop the participants learn all about the production of an advertising film. From creation and concept to the generation of a calculation, assembling a film crew on to post-production and the scoring of a viral spot.

In 26 hours, three teams produce a viral spot each. The finished films will be evaluated by an expert jury.

We’re happy that the agency Kastner und Partner and one of their clients will partner with us.

Kickoff is on Friday, the 6th of April at 8 o’clock. The group will be divided into three groups that are briefed by the agency and the client. The participants will have time until Saturday, 18 o’clock to develop and produce a viral spot.

After the jury decision, the films will be shown and awarded as part of a big closing ceremony. The winning film will be used in the client’s campaign.

Agency employees, freelancing producers, advertising customer employees, school- and university students and all who hold a passion for the medium film are welcome.

The Reklamefilmwerkstatt is organised with partners from the creative- and film industry in the Rhine-Main region and held and funded by the IHK Frankfurt.

More information at www.reklamefilmwerkstatt.de

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

