22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025

Staging Europe


Making films in Europe often means: making films in a European manner and therefore making European films. But what is the relationship between the production and the content of the films? To what extent do European co-productions result in European narratives? Or to put it another way: does staging in Europe also mean staging Europe? What is the value of the intention to make a European film? And why should film-makers even make this their intention?

With: Robert Gwisdek, Anders Rune, Peter Schernhuber, Arne Birkenstock, Eileen Byrne

Moderation: Lisa Gotto

18 April 2024

18:00 h, Festivalzentrum (Plenum)

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Duration 90 min

Panel in Englisch with live translation to German

Congress Future German Cinema
