22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025
Der Junge dem die Welt gehört

The Boy who owns the World

Robert Gwisdek

Basilio (Julian Pollina aka Faber) lives alone in an abandoned Sicilian mansion and writes music. He is haunted by a mysterious mentor (Denis Lavant) who pushes him to find his “true poetry”. When, shortly thereafter, Basilio meets the equally mysterious Karla (Chiara Höflich) his world begins to transform more and more into a poem

“The Boy Who Owns the World” by Robert Gwisdek is a film “that impresses with its atmospheric, surreal and fantastic imagery, defies convention and goes its own way both aesthetically and dramatically.” Among other things, there is a reunion with the French acting legend Denis Lavant (Holy Motors), who easily fills every screen with his radical energy. The main role is played by the Swiss singer-songwriter Faber.

Once a month, DFF and epd Film present an outstanding German-language film followed by a workshop discussion. Director Robert Gwisdek will be a guest at the LICHTER Filmfest. The discussion will be hosted by Ulrich Sonnenschein from epd Film.

Supporting film: THE ALCHEMIST by Robert Gwisdek // DE 2023, 11 min

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Direction Robert Gwisdek
Country Germany, Italy
Year 2023
Duration 92 min
Language German, Italian, French
Production Marie Höflich, Kreisfilm
Cast Julian Vincenzo Faber, Chiara Höflich, Denis Lavant, Corinna Harfouch
Camera Fabian Gamper
Script Käptn Peng
Editing Robert Gwisdek
Sound Claudio Demel
Music Sophie Hunger, Faber, Käptn Peng, Olicia, Janos Mijnssen, Silvan Koch
Sound Design Claudio Demel

57. Internationale Hofer Filmtage 2023

Presented by:epd Film & DFF

About the Director

Robert Gwisdek became known through his musical alter ego Käptn Peng (Käptn Peng & The Tentacles of Delphi), with whom he released three albums and founded his own label Kreismusik. In order to fully devote himself to his lifelong dream of being a director, he founded Kreisfilm and produces films and music videos together with his wife Marie Höflich. His team mainly consists of friends and family.

Press reviews

„…All in black and white and yet overflowing with fantasy and creativity, a fever dream idea of two characters” (Jury statement Kritikerpreis Hof)

The director about the film

“Without film funding and with a lot of spontaneity, we created a world that allows its own unique narrative flow. It was written at night and shot during the day. And yet the film in no way resembles your standard improv handheld mumblecore film. Like its protagonist the movie looks for its own language and finds it.”


Future German Cinema
