The Shelter (L´Abri)
Fernand Melgar
Every year, thousands of people are drawn towards Switzerland during the winter season. They mostly come from Spain or the northern parts of Africa and speculate on getting a temporary job by meeting the demands of cheap labour during the winter tourist peak season. Their time waiting is spend on the streets, fighting each night for one of the few beds in emergency shelters for the homeless. During one winter, Fernand Melgar accompanies employees and homeless in one of these shelters in Lausanne. Without much pathos, but with all the more poignancy, Melgar documents the extreme conditions, which the affected are exposed to. He meets employees and their stories with respect and empathy, thus drawing a picture of structural problems, reminding a public conscience about the unsettling questions of dignity and existence.
_“The Shelter is a necessary and urgent dispatch from the all-too-easily-ignored front lines.”_, (Neil Young, The Hollywood Reporter)
_“Whatever the truth behind the film’s documentary realism, it remains very moving to watch, not least because we know that desperate people like this do exist, and that those working to help them are faced with limited resources.”_ (Alison Frank, The Film Divider)
"*Buy Ticket >>*":
20 March 2015
22:30 h, Mal Seh'n Kino
More information
Direction | Fernand Melgar |
Year | CH 2014 |
Duration | 101 min |
Language | OmeU |
Production | Elise Shubs, Fernand Melgar |
Editing | Karine Sudan |
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