22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025
Venus de Nykes

Venus in Nykes

André Antônio

A man in leather leaves his psychoanalyst’s office calm and confident, leaving her puzzled and agitated. He has recounted his sexual fetishes, his deepest desires, his proud summision to his animal impulses. Her attempts at medicalizing him are vacuous in the face of this deviant’s pride. They are both played by the same actor, who happens to be the film’s director. With a pulsing soundtrack and in-your-face imagery, wearing its references to queer cinema giants—Kenneth Anger and Derek Jarman—on its sleeve, “Venus in Nykes” is a fun, flamboyant, narcissistic, self-referential, and erotic experiment free from any stylistic or narrative constraints. Queer desire has seldom looked this unapologetic. Come for the sexuality, stay for the philosophy.

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Direction André Antônio
Country Brazil
Year 2021
Duration 41 min
Language Original with English Subtitles
Production Chico Lacerda, André Antônio, Dora Amorim, Thaís Vidal, Julia Machado, Aristeu Portela
Cast André Antônio, Aristeu Portela
Camera Chico Lacerda
Script André Antônio
Editing André Antônio
Sound Chico Lacerda

Mix Brasil Säo Paulo 2021 - Best Script

About the director 

André Antônio was born in Recife in 1988. He worked as a film editor for several movies from Pernambuco before founding, with filmmakers Chico Lacerda, Fábio Ramalho and Rodrigo Almeida, the independent queer film collective Surto & Deslumbramento. In 2015, he released his first film, “The Cult”. He has now finished his new film, “Venus in Nykes”, and is preparing to shoot his second feature, “Salomé”. (The Open Reel)

Double Feature with "Shall I Compare You To a Summer’s Day?"

Hessian premiere

International Feature Film Program
