Videoschnipsel-talk // “Glotze, Kino, Filmtheater” by Jürgen Kuttner
Radio host and performance artist Jürgen Kuttner presents one of his legendary Videoschnipsel-talks for us at the eleventh LICHTER Film Festival. This time he takes on German filmmaking and the medium that once formed our taste in film: German television. Television or Film or Reality? When LICHTER inquires on the future of German film on Festival-Thursday and Friday, Kuttner will supplement the discourse with an entertaining perspective into the glimmering world of German film-and television history.
A Videoschnipsel – What is that?
Jürgen Kuttner stages his Videoschnipsel evenings on a monthly basis since 1996. For all who sadly let the last twenty years pass by or had to let them pass without seizing these opportunities, we submit a few words of explanations. Each Videoschnipsel-evening is different. Because each night has its own motto, its own thesis. It could revolve around something basic such as love, sex, war, children, football, cars, but also around difficult problems, like the potential democratization in German folk music or the question with what kind of present you could delight CPSU general secretaries. Each Videoschnipsel-evening consists of two elements. It consists of A. the videos and B. Kuttner. Cuttings of Chinese, Indian or Russian television are built into his events as naturally as scees of Swiss TV-shows or Hollywood B-productions. But as informative, bizarre or entertaining these “Schnipsel” may be, their true effects only unravel in the commentary by Kuttner.
Jürgen Kuttner (*1958 in East-Berlin) is, additionally to his job as a radio host, known for his monthly Videoschnipsel-talks at the Berliner Volksbühne, currently the Deutsches Theater Berlin and other places. He also works on theatre projects as writer, actor and director.