22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025
LFFI19_regionales Langfilmprogramm_Why Are We Creative_1

Why Are We Creative?

Hermann Vaske

Creativity hasn ́t just recently become a dictum. We all want to be creative in all areas and inall aspects of life. Problems are solved creatively, our free time is spent creatively, and we all prefer working somewhere in the creative branch. But do we even know what that means, exactly? Why are we creative?

Filmmaker Hermann Vaske went on a thirty-year long odyssey all around the globe in order to find answers. In countless interviews, he spoke to some of the most influential artists in the world as a part of his project. Among others, he asked Bowie, Björk, Tarantino, and Nelson Mandela the crucial question concerning their motivation and concerning meaningfulness. This brilliant documentary takes us on a journey which illuminates thevague term of creativity in its various facets

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Direction Hermann Vaske
Production Emotional Network
Cast Wim Wenders, Björk, Vivienne Westwood, Angelina Jolie, Quentin Ta rantino, Nelson Mandela, Yoko Ono et al
Camera atricia Lewandowska, Evgeny Revvo, Sasha Ren dulic, Stephen Ley, Nick Manley, Peter Stevenson
Script Hermann Vaske
Editing Marie - Charlotte Moreau

Presented by:

Regional Feature Film Program
