22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025
Header_internationales Programm Natur

International Film Program On The Topic “Nature”

At the 12th LICHTER Filmfest, everything revolves around the topic of “Nature”. We’re shining a light onto the world we live in, with all its fascinations and beauty, but are also illustrating how endangered it is as well as its dangers.

The ”summer of the century” 2018 once again proved it: climate change defines our everyday life. Rising sea levels and periods of extreme heat could turn large regions the earth uninhabitable within the next decades. Global waves of refugees are going to be the greatest challenge of the future. The handling of our environment is, possibly, the most urgent question of our time.

With the topic “Nature”, LICHTER wants to sensitize the audience of the 12thedition of the festival for those visions of the future. But the diversity of nature is going to play a big part in the international programme as well. The festival directors have gone on search for artistic positions in which the beauty of our world lights up the screen. Because no other medium is able to convey the spectacles of nature with as much impact.

Overview of the international programme on the subject „nature":

Anote´s Ark (Director: Mathieu Rytz // Documentary // CAN 2018 // 77 Min.)

A Land Imagined (Director: Siew Hua Yeo // Feature // F/NL/SIN 2018 // 95 Min.)

Aquarela (Director: Viktor Kossakowski // Documentary // GB/D/DK/US 2018 // 89 Min.) 

Border (Director: Ali Abbasi // Spielfilm // Feature // S/DK // 110 Min.)

Cómprame un revolver (Director: Julio Hernández Cordón // Feature // MEX/COL 2018 // 84 Min.)

Erde (Director: Nikolaus Geyrhalter // Documentary // A 2019 // 115 Min.)

Fausto (Director: Andrea Bussmann // Documentary // MEX/CAN 2018 // 70 Min.)

Free Solo (Director: Jimmy Chin, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi // Documentary // US 2018 // 100 Min. // Oscar in the category "Best Documentary") 

High Life (Director: Claire Denis // Feature // D/F/GB/PL/US 2018 // 110 Min.)

Kucumbu Tubuh Indahku (Memories Of My Body) (Director: Garin Nugroho // Feature // INO 2018 // 105 Min.)

Nuestro Tiempo (Director: Carlos Reygadas // Feature // MEX/FRA/D/DK/SWE 2018 // 173 Min. // German premiere) 

Tarde Para Morir Joven (Too Late To Die Young) (Director: Dominga Sotomayor Castillo // Feature // CHI/BRA/ARG/NL/KAT 2018 // 110 Min.)

Von Bienen und Blumen (Director: Lola Randl // Mockumentary // D 2018 // 90 Min.) 

Wineypacha (Eternity) (Director: Óscar Catacora // Feature // PER 2017 // 86 Min.)
