16.04. ‐ 21.04.2024

LICHTER Theme 2018 // Chaos

“I am not issuing an appeal. I am issuing an alert – a red alert for our world.” In his New Year address, UN General Secretary António Gutteres uttered the words that have been haunting the LICHTER Team’s heads for a while. Digitalisation, Inequality, Climate Change, Xenophobia and the rebirth of nationalism. The world is breaking from its bounds and chaos reigns everywhere.

In our eleventh iteration we are dedicating ourselves to the *theme “Chaos”*, the disbanding of all order or a complete mess, as the German dictionary Duden describes it. “Is our world plunging into chaos?” is one of the central questions we have asked ourselves while looking for an appropriate annual theme. Sadly, the inspirations are plenty. Above all, the consequences of industrialisation to our world.

The Disorder In Nature And Structure

Chaotic global weather conditions as a consequence of climate change is possibly the most urging problem of the upcoming decades. But even the discrepancies and inconsistencies in and of those in power are taking their toll.

Protests characterized by nationalism, that have changed political landscapes in many a place, now threaten the stability of political systems and therefore the world as we know it. Rarely has the White House seen such chaotic conditions, the Middle East’s formerly advanced culture is crumbling to dust and ashes, Poland and Hungary are deconstructing democracy, piece by piece, right under their European neighbour’s eyes. Even the one thing we had thought to have overcome is rising again from these conditions: the nuclear arms race is undergoing a sad Renaissance. Any orders, achievements or progresses made in the last decades that seemed solid and permanent are now crumbling and, under closer scrutiny, falling apart.

What Will Come And What Will Stay?

Is humanity once again at a turning point? Is the world truly under threat of sinking into chaos? Not tomorrow, and probably not the day after. Yet one thing is clear today: the sooner we deal with the problems of our future and embed them into our consciousness, the likelier it is that future generations will live in the same living conditions that we do. In our international Film- and accompanying programme we want to give the theme “Chaos” a central position. Through interdisciplinary lectures with philosophers, scientists and artists we are attempting to not just draw attention to these issues, but to give a wake-up call and a call to action.
