22.04. ‐ 27.04.2025
Coexistence or Culture War? - Film Valorization Between Cinema and Streaming

Coexistence or Culture War? - Film Valorization Between Cinema and Streaming

With: Melanie Blocksdorf (Produzentin, Achtung Panda!), Torsten Frehse (Neue Visionen Filmverleih), Marcus S. Kleiner (SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Professor für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften), Autor „Streamland“), Hannah Pilarcyk (Redakteurin Spiegel/SPON, Autorin, Dozentin)

Moderation: Jenni Zylka (Schriftstellerin, Journalistin, Moderatorin)

The global change of cinema culture of the past centuries was accelerated even further by the Coronavirus-pandemic and its consequences. The basis of the cinema industry and distribution, including their business models, is under constant pressure by the media transformation and the accompanying change in the audience’s reception practices.

This panel aims to sound out the tensions in film exploitation between cinema and streaming. Experts from the film industry, media studies, and journalism are discussing questions such as: How can distributors, producers, festivals, and more react to changing conditions? What kind of coexistence needs to happen, what kind of confrontations need to be had? Which new realities need to be accepted, where is creative freedom? Are new frameworks needed for regulation? Or can unexpected synergies happen?

And last but not least: what do developments mean for the cultural space of the cinema, the reception of film (art), and, ultimately, cultural diversity?

13 May 2022

11:30 h,

More information Lichter FilmfestLichter Filmfest

Duration 90 min
Language German

Congress Future German Cinema
